Thursday, February 12, 2009

Purchasing Generators for Nursing Homes?

What Happened to a Resource List, Ladies and Gentlemen?

Oklahoma House of Representatives. “Holland Seeks Generators for Nursing Homes.” Oklahoma City, January 28, 2009 Press Release.

You have got to be kidding me! Since the creation of this blog, I have not jumped into the fray of spewing my opinion. The original intent (and still is) of this blog is to offer the "daily brief" of what is going on in the world of emergency management.

To purchase portable generators for nursing it going to be with TARP or stimulus funds? It's time for the EM community to engage the emergency preparedness planning with nursing homes. I understand...we don't plan to fail, just fail to plan. Get a phone book and secure an agreement with a local provider when the power goes out. Do they really know the size of generator they are going to have to purchase (and maintain) to power the entire facility. I'm assuming all areas of the facility would be on the priority list! Has anyone conducted a risk assessment or vulnerability assessment? What about relocation during these times? Come on.

Read the facts...

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